Web Links

Cosmology links:

The links below are relevant for our class.

Computer Simulations in Cosmology:

We will not talk about computer simulations in cosmology, but if you wish to explore on your own, dive in! Be ready to encounter wonderful pictures and beatiful movies (which may take ages to download...)

General Astronomy links:

What is astronomy about? Since ancient times, astronomy has been about watching the sky. At present, precisely when scientists are rapidly advancing in the understanding of astronomy, most ordinary people are deprived of the spectacle of the sky because of pollution and city lights. But thanks to the internet, we can watch pictures of celestial objects by using the resources in a multitude of websites. Explore the links provided here, which will bring you to images of star clusters (open and globular), gaseous nebulae, galaxies, etc. To learn astronomy, you simply need to have a good idea of what all these objects really look like.

Among many other links below, you can try the Astronomy Picture of the Day, where every day a different picture of some interesting object in the sky is displayed. If you go to the index, you can click on any class of objects you wish to access the archive of all images that have been displayed in the past. You should try also the Messier and NGC catalogues, and the Hubble Space Telescope Image Archive.