Settings for norosx52

Include mpi in the path:

  set path=(/usr/local/bin /opt/ompi/bin $path)
and use the g95 compile, e.g.
  cd bin
  ln -s /Users/brandenb/g95-install/bin/i386-apple-darwin9.7.0-g95  g95


To check how many run.x jobs are currently running, say

  ps -je | grep run.x | grep -Ev "np" | grep -Ev grep


To print from norosx52, note that the printer name is now Nordita_Xerox_Astro_Building, so you should set one of the two (for bash and tcsh, respectively):
  export PRINTER=Nordita_Xerox_Astro_Building
  setenv PRINTER Nordita_Xerox_Astro_Building

$Date: 2010/03/23 06:48:56 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.4 $