;$Id: p2.pro,v 1.1 2007/12/31 07:06:41 brandenb Exp $ ; ; plot alpa and eta results from time series ; pc_read_ts,o=o ; ; set minimum time after which averaging begins ; t2=1e30 spawn,'touch parameters.pro' @parameters @data/index.pro @data/testfield_info.dat default,delmax,.05 default,etamax,.01 default,epsmax,.002 default,iwrite,0 default,run,'' ; ; introduce abbreviations ; tt=o.t urms=o.urms ; ; del tensor ; alp11=o.alp11 alp21=o.alp21 ; ; eta tensor as in EMF_i = ... -eta_ij J_j ; so these new etas are also referred to as eta^* ; writing this furthermore as EMF = delta x J - etat*J, ; with delta=(0,0,delta), so we have delta x J = (-Jy, Jx, 0)*delta, ; eta*_12 = -eta*_21 = delta ; eta12=-o.eta11 eta22=-o.eta21 ; ; read extra fields ; if itestfield eq 'B11-B22' then begin alp12=o.alp12 alp22=o.alp22 eta11=+o.eta12 eta21=+o.eta22 endif ; ; range of time where to do the analysis ; tmin=min(tt) tmax=max(tt) default,t1,(tmin+tmax)/2. good=where(tt gt t1 and tt lt t2) default,kf,5. ; ; give modified alpmax values in parameters.pro file ; !p.charsize=2.4 !p.multi=[0,2,4] ; f=alp11 & plot,tt,f & oplot,tt,accum(f),col=122 & oplot,tt,tt*0 f=alp12 & plot,tt,f & oplot,tt,accum(f),col=122 & oplot,tt,tt*0 f=alp21 & plot,tt,f & oplot,tt,accum(f),col=122 & oplot,tt,tt*0 f=alp22 & plot,tt,f & oplot,tt,accum(f),col=122 & oplot,tt,tt*0 ; f=eta11 & plot,tt,f & oplot,tt,accum(f),col=122 & oplot,tt,tt*0 f=eta12 & plot,tt,f & oplot,tt,accum(f),col=122 & oplot,tt,tt*0 f=eta21 & plot,tt,f & oplot,tt,accum(f),col=122 & oplot,tt,tt*0 f=eta22 & plot,tt,f & oplot,tt,accum(f),col=122 & oplot,tt,tt*0 ; !p.multi=0 END