;$Id: p3c.pro,v 1.2 2008/01/28 19:45:07 brandenb Exp $ ; ; plot alpa and eta results from time series ; pc_read_ts,o=o window,xs=800,ys=760 ; ; set minimum time after which averaging begins ; t2=1e30 spawn,'touch parameters.pro' spawn,'touch ../scan_file.pro' @parameters @../scan_file @data/index.pro @data/testfield_info.dat default,delmax,.05 default,etamax,.01 default,epsmax,.002 default,iwrite,0 default,run,'' ; ; introduce abbreviations ; tt=o.t ; ; del tensor ; alp11=o.alp11 & alp22=o.alp22 alp21=o.alp21 & alp12=o.alp12 ; ; range of time where to do the analysis ; tmin=min(tt) tmax=max(tt) default,t1,(tmin+tmax)/2. good=where(tt gt t1 and tt lt t2) default,kf,5. ; ; give modified alpmax values in parameters.pro file ; !p.charsize=1.8 !p.multi=[0,1,2] ; alp=.5*(alp11+alp22) gam=.5*(alp21-alp12) ; !x.title='!6' !y.title='!7a!6' f=alp plot,tt,f pc_error_range,tt(good),f(good),/oplot,/accum,mean=alpm,err=alperr ; !x.title='!8t!6' !y.title='!7c!6' f=gam plot,tt,f pc_error_range,tt(good),f(good),/oplot,/accum,mean=gamm,err=gamerr ; fo='(e8.2,1f6.3,e9.1,4e11.3,3x,a)' pc_read_param,/param2,obj=param ; ; open temporary file and write data there ; openw,9,'p3b.tmp' printf,9,param.omega_kinflow,param.eps_kinflow,param.etatest,alpm,alperr,gamm,gamerr,run,fo=fo close,9 ; ; append data to relevant data directory ; default,scan_file,'/home/brandenb/tex/mhd/alphaeta/GP-flow/idl/scan_Rm.dat' spawn,'cat p3b.tmp >> '+scan_file ; !p.multi=0 END