! -*-f90-*- (for Emacs) vim:set filetype=fortran: (for vim) ! ! cparam.local ! !** AUTOMATIC CPARAM.INC GENERATION **************************************** ! Declare (for generation of cparam.inc) the number of f array ! variables and auxiliary variables added by this module ! Use MVAR to reserve the appropriate workspace for testfield_z.f90 ! The MAUX number must be equally big and is used for uxb in the f-array. ! At the end of this file, njtest must be set such that 3*njtest=MVAR. ! ! When dynamics is turned on, we need (3+1)*njtest additional slots, ! i.e. 6+8=14 instead of just 6, or 12+16=28 instead of just 12. ! ! MVAR CONTRIBUTION 16 ! MAUX CONTRIBUTION 16 ! !*************************************************************************** ! Local settings concerning grid size and number of CPUs. ! This file is included by cparam.f90 ! integer, parameter :: ncpus=1,nprocy=1,nprocz=ncpus/nprocy,nprocx=1 integer, parameter :: nxgrid=16,nygrid=nxgrid,nzgrid=nxgrid ! ! note that MVAR=MAUX=4*njtest must be obeyed ! integer, parameter :: njtest=4 !