power,'u','b',k=k,spec1=spec1,spec2=spec2,i=n,tt=t,/noplot & print,n ; ; $Id: ppower_all.pro,v 1.1 2007/12/06 22:01:28 brandenb Exp $ ; ; This routine is used to view all power spectra ; that were written during the run (controlled by dspec) ; The plot range yr is set to a default value. ; The time interval of plotting is "w" (default value) ; ; 5-oct-02/axel: written ; spawn,'if (! -f param.pro) touch param.pro' @param xr=[1,max(k)] yr=[1e-9,.1] default,yr,[1e-7,3e+1] default,w,.01 default,t1,.0 siz=1.8 ; comp=k^1.66667 good=where(t ge t1) xmax=max(k) Ek=fltarr(xmax+1) for ii=0,xmax do Ek(ii)=mean(spec1(ii,good)) ; for i=0,n-2 do begin if(t(i) ge t1) then begin plot_oo,k,comp*spec1(*,i),xr=xr,yr=yr,tit='t='+str(t(i)) oplot,k,comp*spec2(*,i),col=122 kk=[1,40] & oplot,kk,kk-kk+.01 ;xyouts,7,1e-5,'k!u-2!n',siz=siz print,i,t(i),total(spec1(*,i)) wait,w end end ; print,'E_K (white), H_K (red), aver (blue)' ; EK=spec1(*,n-2) EM=spec2(*,n-2) save,file='spec_aver.sav',k,EK,EM ; END