;$Id: generate_kvectors.pro,v 1.1 2007/05/15 17:52:03 brandenb Exp $ ; ; generate_kvectors.pro (formerly called gwav.pro) ; ; generate table of wave numbers in a given range for helical (and ; non-helical if relhel=0) forcing of the velocity or magnetic field. ; For details see Brandenburg (2001, ApJ 550, 824). ; ; Some precalculated files wave vectors are checked in under ; pencil-code/samples/helical-MHDturb/K_VECTORS ; To get forcing at kf=5, for example, say ; cp $PENCIL_HOME/samples/helical-MHDturb/K_VECTORS/k5.dat k.dt ; ; Author: axel ; CVS: $Id: generate_kvectors.pro,v 1.1 2007/05/15 17:52:03 brandenb Exp $ ; ; Wave vectors are located in a subvolume of the box ; -kmax <= kk:=(kx,ky,kz) <= kmax ; given by ; k1 < |kk| < k2 ; (normally a spherical shell, if kmax is large enough) ; ; Anisotropy is achieved by stretching the sphere to an ellipsoid, ; so k1 < kref < k2, where kref^2=kx^2+ky^2+kz^2/ez^2. ; So, for an 1:2 anisotropy (kz=2*kx) we put ez=2. ; ; uncomment (or reorder) the following as appropriate ; ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=11 & k1=9.99 & k2=10.01 ;(gives 30 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=6 & k1=5.5 & k2=6.5 ;(gives 450 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=11 & k1=9.9 & k2=10.1 ;(gives 318 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=6 & k1=1.5 & k2=2.5 ;(gives 62 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=31 & k1=29.9 & k2=30.1 ;(gives 318 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=10 & k1=4.0 & k2=5.0 ;(gives 228 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=10 & k1=4.5 & k2=5.5 ;(gives 350 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=31 & k1=26.9 & k2=27.1 ;(gives 2286 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=6 & k1=3.2 & k2=4.8 ;(gives 314 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=6 & k1=3.2 & k2=4.6 ;(gives 314 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=6 & k1=2.0 & k2=3.0 ;(gives 60 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=16 & k1=14.95 & k2=15.05 ;(gives 294 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=10 & k1=2.5 & k2=3.5 ;(gives 98 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=6 & k1=1.0 & k2=2.0 ;(gives 20 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=6 & k1=1.0 & k2=2.01 ;(gives 26 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=1. & kmax=6 & k1=1.0 & k2=3.0 ;(gives 86 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=.5 & kmax=10 & k1=3.8 & k2=4.2 ;(gives 142 vectors) ex=1. & ey=1. & ez=.01 & kmax=10 & k1=4.5 & k2=5.5 ;(gives 258 vectors) ; kav=0. ; if (kmax lt k2) then print, 'Warning: non-spherical region in k-space' ; i=0 ;(initialize counter) for kx=-kmax,kmax do begin for ky=-kmax,kmax do begin for kz=-kmax,kmax do begin k=sqrt(float(kx^2+ky^2+kz^2)) kref=sqrt(float((kx/ex)^2+(ky/ey)^2+(kz/ez)^2)) if kref gt k1 and kref lt k2 then begin kav=kav+k print,kx,ky,kz,k,i if i eq 0 then begin kkx=kx kky=ky kkz=kz end else begin kkx=[kkx,kx] kky=[kky,ky] kkz=[kkz,kz] end i=i+1 end end end end n=n_elements(kkx) kav=kav/n ; ;kratio=k1/k2 ;print,'k1,k2,kaveraged',k1,k2,kav ;print,'3/4 k2, mean(k)', 3./4.*k2 , 3./4.*k2*(1.-kratio^3.)/(1.-kratio^4.) ; ; write result ; print, 'writing ' + strtrim(n,2) + ' wave vectors; kav = ' + strtrim(kav,2) close,1 openw,1,'k.dat' printf,1,n,kav,ex,ey,ez printf,1,kkx printf,1,kky printf,1,kkz ; print,'check for isotropy: =',mean(kkx),mean(kky),mean(kkz) print,'check for isotropy: =',mean(kkx^2),mean(kky^2),mean(kkz^2) close,1 ; ; plot vectors in kx,kz plane for ky=0 ; good=where(kky eq 0.) plot,kkx(good),kkz(good),ps=2,xr=[-1.2,1.2]*kmax,yr=[-1.2,1.2]*kmax wait,.5 ; good=where(kkz eq 0.) plot,kkx(good),kky(good),ps=2,xr=[-1.2,1.2]*kmax,yr=[-1.2,1.2]*kmax ; END