Experimental web site for distributing MHD turbulence data sets

Working with these data is best done by using the idl routines that come with the Pencil Code. To test things, we suggest to download the pm25_128b.tar tar file, untar it, go into this directory, and then try under idl
IDL> pc_read_var,obj=obj,varfile='VAR535'
IDL> bbb=pc_noghost(curl(obj.aa))
IDL> tvscl,bbb(*,*,11,2)
Alternatively, you can try things like
IDL> pc_read_var,obj=obj,varfile='VAR535',variables=['bb','jj'],/magic,/trimall
IDL> tvscl,obj.bb(11,*,*,2)
IDL> tvscl,obj.jj(11,*,*,2)

pm25_128b.tar (92M)

pm25_128b/ (directory)

pm25_512b/ (directory)


Brandenburg, A., & Subramanian, K.: 2005, ``Astrophysical magnetic fields and nonlinear dynamo theory,'' Phys. Rep. 417, 1-209 (astro-ph/0405052, ADS, PDF)

$Date: 2006/06/21 17:02:59 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.1 $