@parameters default,lread,1 if lread then begin restore,'bb_VAR'+str(ivar)+'.sav' lread=0 ; ; This routine reads the integrated ivar file 'bb_VAR'+str(ivar)+'.sav' ; specified in parameters.pro. It can take a lot of time. ; nz=n_elements(z) bb_plane_z=reform(bb[*,*,0,*]) ;stop ; ; save plane ; help, bb_plane_z save,file='bb_plane_z_VAR'+str(ivar)+'.sav',t,x,y,bb_plane_z ; print,'Slow operation to follow (15-30 min)! Press .c to continue...' ;stop bb_int_z=total(bb,3)/nz save,file='bb_int_z_VAR'+str(ivar)+'.sav',t,x,y,bb_int_z ; ; compute complex B squared, (B_x+iB_y)^2 ; bb2=complex(bb[*,*,*,0],bb[*,*,*,1])^2 ; print,'Slow operation to follow (~15 min)! Press .c to continue...' ;stop ; bb2_int_z=total(bb2,3)/nz save,file='bb2_int_z_VAR'+str(ivar)+'.sav',t,x,y,bb2_int_z ; endif ; ;help, bb_plane_z, bb_int_z END