pc_read_ts,obj=ts pc_read_param,obj=param,/param2 ; spawn,'touch parameters.pro' @parameters.pro ; default,t1,0. default,t2,9e29 default,t1b,0. default,t2b,9e29 ; ; Note: put a minus sign here, because of the minus sign ; in the definition of kappa. ; tt=ts.t ucm=-ts.ucm lam=param.lam_gradC om=param.om_gradC fact=exp(-lam*tt) ; good=where(tt gt t1 and tt le t2) tgood=tt(good) good2=where(tgood gt t1b and tgood le t2b) ; !p.multi=[0,1,2] ; ucmc=ucm*fact kappa_re=mean(ucmc(good)) plot,tt,ucmc,yst=3 oplot,tgood,tgood*0.+kappa_re,col=122 ; kappa_im=0. ; file='l16.dat' openw,1,file fo='(2f7.3,2f8.3,2x,a)' print,lam,om,kappa_re,kappa_im,run,fo=fo printf,1,lam,om,kappa_re,kappa_im,run,fo=fo close,1 ; spawn,'cat '+file+'>>../idl/'+file END