LCD workshop exercises with the Pencil Code

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability

KelvinHelmholtz/Lecoanet_etal16/nonperi512b_pertnoise ../material/KelvinHelmholtz/Lecoanet_etal16/nonperi512b_pertnoise → Working material: KelvinHelmholtz/, KelvinHelmholtz.tar.gz [untar this file by typing tar zxf KelvinHelmholtz.tar.gz] This is old KelvinHelmholtz directory, but there are currently two new subdirectories:
The Lecoanet_etal16 directory simulates the setup from the Lecoanet_etal16 paper, from_sample is from pencil-code/samples/2d-tests/Kelvin-Helmholtz, and magnetic is a new magnetic setup.

Convection with radiation & ionization

→ Working material: KramersConv_Ionization/, Those with cvs repository access can just say Run first the 1-D case and visualize with ".r pvar". Make sure the value of kappa is not too large in the beginning (1e3 is ok). You can then continue running with larger values once the deeper parts have relaxed. (The Kelvin-Helmholtz time scale becomes longer with larger values kappa, so you relax the deeper parts first with smaller kappa.) Afterwards, you can go to 2-D and start with a stratification.dat file that is either the one provided, or it is a new one you computed from your 1-D model and was then outputted with, after having said ".c" a few times.

Barekat, A., & Brandenburg, A.: 2014, ``Near-polytropic stellar simulations with a radiative surface,'' Astron. Astrophys. 571, A68 (arXiv:1308.1660, ADS, DOI, PDF)

Bhat, P., & Brandenburg, A.: 2016, ``Hydraulic effects in a radiative atmosphere with ionization,'' Astron. Astrophys. 587, A90 (arXiv:1411.6610, ADS, DOI, PDF)

Other material

  • Pencil Code presentation [ppt]
  • Scientific usage of the Pencil Code

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    $Date: 2016/05/13 12:18:13 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.4 $