Using Python with the Pencil Code: example #2

Example 2: below is an example about how to plot a snapshot of entropy under Python. I assume that you already ran the sample 'conv-slab', as explained in the setup webpage:

go to the PC directory
cd samples/conv-slab
go to the conv-slab sample
ipython -pylab
start a ipython shell with the matplotlib library
read the current var.dat file located in data/proc0; returns an object with the entire f array as well as some handy constants. Note that because python is C-indexed instead of fortran-indexed, and matplotlib assumes [y,x] ordering for 2D plotting, the f array returned is in the opposite order from how it is in pencil: var.f.shape will return (nvar,nz,ny,nx).
imshow([:,3,:], origin='lower')
plot the entropy snapshot in the plane (x, z)

You will normally obtain this figure: Plot entropy snapshot
Numerical Experiments homepage

$Date: 2009/04/23 08:52:11 $, $Author: dintrans $, $Revision: 1.3 $