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When calculating stellar models, the near-surface properties of convection are normally treated with the mixing-length theory (MLT). Here the parameter tex2html_wrap_inline281 determines the jump in entropy from the surface to the very adiabatic bulk of the convection zone, thus hiding most of the complications of the near-surface region. For the case of the sun, the value tex2html_wrap_inline293 of tex2html_wrap_inline281 can be found by calibrating models at the present age to the solar radius. This is not possible for other stars; thus it has become customary to assume tex2html_wrap_inline297 for all stars. The work presented here is an attempt to change this, by means of calibration to realistic, numerical 3D-simulations of the surface region.

Regner Trampedach
Mon Nov 4 18:19:07 MET 1996