;Id$ ; ; The eigenfunctions are plotted afterwards using ".r pevec.pro" ; But before that, run on the command line ".r rayleighII.pro". ; Report problems to Axel Brandenburg ; if !d.name eq 'PS' then begin device,xsize=18,ysize=5,yoffset=3 !p.charthick=3 & !p.thick=3 & !x.thick=3 & !y.thick=3 end ; ; mv idl.ps ~/tex/teach/ASTR_5410/8_Inflection_Pt_Inst_II/fig/pevec.ps ; !p.charsize=1.0 !x.margin=[7.8,.5] !y.margin=[3.2,.5] ; !p.multi=[0,2,1] !x.title='!8x!6' ; !y.title='!6Re !7w!6' plot,x,-eveck[*,0],yr=[-.4,1] ik=10 & oplot,x,-eveck[*,ik],li=1 ik=20 & oplot,x,-eveck[*,ik],li=2 ik=30 & oplot,x,+eveck[*,ik],li=3 ik=40 & oplot,x,+eveck[*,ik],li=4 print,'minmax=',minmax(imaginary(evalk[*,ik])) ; !y.title='!6Im !7w!6' plot,x,imaginary(-eveck[*,0]),yr=[-1,1] ik=10 & oplot,x,imaginary(-eveck[*,ik]),li=1 ik=20 & oplot,x,imaginary(-eveck[*,ik]),li=2 ik=30 & oplot,x,imaginary(+eveck[*,ik]),li=3 ik=40 & oplot,x,imaginary(+eveck[*,ik]),li=4 ; !p.multi=0 print,'k=',k(10),k(20),k(30),k(40) print,minmax(imaginary(evalk)) !x.title='!6' !y.title='!6' end