Click on any paper to get a some version:
``Turbulent compressible convection''
Cattaneo, F.,Brummell, N., Toomre, J., Malagoli, A., Hurlburt, N.
Ap.J., 370, 282 (1991)
``Turbulent supersonic convection in three dimensions''
Malagoli, A., Cattaneo, F.,Brummell,
Ap.J., 361, L33 (1991)
``Turbulent compressible convection on the Cray C-90 and KSR-1 machines'',
N.H. Brummell, Clive Baillie, Xin Xie and N.E. Hurlburt,
Technical Note, (1993).
``Maintenance of differential rotation in turbulent compressible
convection with rotation'',
N.H. Brummell, X. Xie, J. Toomre and C. Baillie, in
Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars: GONG 1994,
ed. R. Ulrick, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
Conference Series, in press (San Francisco), (1994).
``Performance of a 3D spectral code on the Cry T3D and IBM SP2 parallel
supercomputers'', Clive F. Baillie, John Wilson, Nicholas .H. Brummell,
Joe Werne, (1994)
``Modelling astrophysical convection''
N.H. Brummell & J. Toomre,
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 77, (1995)
Book Editors: R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes
Electronic Editor: H. E. Payne.
``Turbulent compressible convection with rotation: I. Flow structure and
evolution'', N.H. Brummell, N.E. Hurlburt & J. Toomre,
Ap.J., 473 , 494 (1996).
``Turbulent compressible convection with rotation: II. Mean flows and
differential rotations'', N.H. Brummell, N.E. Hurlburt & J. Toomre,
submitted to Astrophys. Jou., (1997).