Lord of the Rings party for Regner's 35th birthday, 26.11.2005, Mt. Stromlo

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Enjoy : )

Genevieve, Dione, Mike, Marilena and Jess - just arrived. Watch Mike! If you just knew, Dione... Jorge, Rocio and Shobha - is she threatening me or just showing the ring? My B-day cake sans candles (and general food debris)
Legolas ready to cut the cake! Tchunk! - and Jenny thinks it's funny... The sword has tasted... eh, whipped cream - and is ready for more! That should finish it off
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins trying to shoo off all the intruders in her hobbit-hole Rikke, Kate, me, Dione, Anne, Jan, Zane and Jenny's hand - the Ringwraith in the corner is largely unnoticed An Entwife, Legolas and Galadriel, a Rohirhim behind and the head of a hobbit - the Ringwraith is still unnoticed! Here we also see Nathan the Ent, Jenny as Eowyn and Eduard (in front) as the tallest hobbit ever seen
Here we all laugh because of Brandon - the ringwraith doesn't! The Rohirhim challenges Galadriel - still, nobody seems to notice the Ringwraith Is that yet another Ringwraith?!?! Uuuh - a sexy-wraith
Dione, Daniel and Jan - look out for Dione's Axe Somebody finally noticed the Ringwraiths Plotting against the Fellowship a (menacing?...) grin for the camera
A she-dwarf attacks the Ringwraiths A Ringwraith got the One Ring - and Galadriel - good catch! My precious... Legolas and the Entwife at the entrance to Rivendell
- look at her make-up! I think Arwen is an Ent-hugger Lobelia and an Entwife (Florian) that has gone unnoticed in her garden in Hobbiton Dione, Shobha and Jan
Jorge and Rocio - did he have to much punch? Galadriel, Legolas and Arwen - Lucky me! Three rings for the Elven kings under the sky A very elvish elf, penning elven prose
Galadriel wetting the pen for the Tengwar alphabet of Rumil Charlotte, Anne, Nathan, Carly and Florian strategizing at our TP LotR edition game They make a move Jenny thinks it was a silly move, Rikke agrees
Zane is sure he can do better than that - especially when sporting those Ringwraith-eyes Sebastian, Jenny, Zane and Brandon Dione being content :-) The armory: Swords, axe, shield, leather-armour, Rohirhim helmet and elven bow and arrows
- and a closer look Eowyn ready to empty out Edoras and go to Helms Deep A happy Rohirhim (with a Viking shield???) and entwife has been here - the end
Animation! --> Ringwraiths stabbing hobbits at the Prancing Pony in Bree

The prize for best costume was won by
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn thheeeeeeee Eeeeeeeeeeeennnnntt
(which is his short nickname - his real name takes three days to pronounce)
- See pics 12-14 and 26.

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