Regner Trampedach

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This computer sits on a desk in an office on the 2nd floor of Space Science Institute's headquarter in Boulder, Colorado.

Personal data:

       Name: Regner Trampedach
      Title: Research Scientist

     E-mail: rtrampedach [at] SpaceScience [dot] org
       Work: Space Science Institute
             4765 Walnut Street,
             Boulder, CO 80301-2532,
      Phone: +1 720 974 5828

       Born: Oct. 18, 1970.
       Wife: Charlotte Mari Mudar
   Children: Annelise Mudar Trampedach

Job description:

I finished my Masters dergee from the Institute of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Aarhus, in August 1997, with a master thesis on Convection in Stellar Atmospheres. The birth of my thesis was professionally assisted by Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, and Åke Nordlund helped from a safe distance - when I didn't suddenly show up on the doorsteps of the Astronomical Observatory in Copenhagen with my backpack, looking for a place to work...

I finished my Ph.D. thesis as a Christmas present to myself, handing it in at 4pm on Dec. 24th, 2003. It is called " Accurate Simulations of Convection in Stellar Atmospheres" and was expertly supervised by Robert F. Stein, at the department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University (MSU)

My research concentrates on two main topics:

  • Convection - the transport of energy by turbulent motions of gas. The goal of my current three-year post doc. position, is to combine my 3D simulations of convection in the surface layers of the Sun, with global-scale simulations of the whole solar convection zone (minus the surface layers). This work is in collaboration with Juri Toomre and Kyle Augustsson, here at JILA and Mark Miesch at the High Altitude Observatory (HAO).
  • The equation of state (EOS) describing the relationship between temperature, pressure and density in a plasma. The most interesting parts of my EOS work, is done in collaboration with Werner Däppen at the University of Southern California (USC).
  • In 2000-2001 I worked at Abrams Planetarium, giving shows for school-groups during the week and for the public on weekends. The heart of the planetarium was a DigiStar II projector, which meant we could do all kinds of fun graphics; Travel among the stars, display galaxies, see proper motion during the next 20,000 years or make a space-shuttle fly across the dome. - It was great fun!

    In the fall of 1998 and the spring of 1999, I taught an astronomy lab course for non-science majors, called ISP205L. The slightly more descriptive name for this "Integrative Studies in Physical science"-course is "Visions of the Universe". You can judge the kind of visions my fall-students got, on my page of Best Blunders.

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    My Curriculum Vitae(PDF, 31.4kb)

    List of publications(PDF, 37.0kb)

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    My brief history of time

    My short story on distance

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    My bird sightings on Mt. Stromlo

    Travel notes and recommendations

    A few useful links:

  • Current weather in Boulder, CO, U.S.A. I am nerdier than 91% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!
  • LaTeX2html manual
  • ADS Abstract Service
  • Øko-net
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