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The convection simulations

Using the fully compressible convection code by Nordlund & Stein aake:comp-phys (see also bob:santa-barbara, bob:santa-barbara) we simulate the near-surface convection in a small box, with tex2html_wrap_inline337 mesh points on a uniform x/y-grid and a z-grid aimed at resolving the temperature structure. The zero point of z is at tex2html_wrap_inline345 , with 20% of the box above z=0, and covering about 13 pressure scale heights in all. Radiative transfer is computed in detail in 3 dimensions for tex2html_wrap_inline349 and at greater optical depths the diffusion approximation is used. We use the opacities of Gustafsson et al. gus:modgrid, with the corresponding opacity distribution functions (ODF). The so-called MHD equation of state (e.g. mhd2, mhd2) is used to be consistent with the envelope models mentioned below, and because it has proven very good in tests for the sun.

Regner Trampedach
Mon Nov 4 18:19:07 MET 1996