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The envelope models

The envelopes we use [Christensen-Dalsgaard and Däppen1992] extend from the temperature minimum in the chromosphere to around 5% fractional radius. They are independent of time and are therefore functions of tex2html_wrap_inline283 , tex2html_wrap_inline285 , mass and composition only. They are calculated using the MHD EOS [Mihalas et al.1988] and OPAL opacities [Rogers and Iglesias1992] smoothly joined with Kurucz-opacities [Kurucz1992] for low temperatures. In the atmosphere a semi-empirical T- tex2html_wrap_inline357 relation is used and convection is treated with the standard mixing-length theory (MLT). To be able to compare these 1D models with the 3D simulations we also include a turbulent pressure in the hydrostatic equilibrium for the 1D models:


where is density, tex2html_wrap_inline363 is the vertical velocity and tex2html_wrap_inline365 is an adjustable parameter. The turbulent pressure is suppressed by a function of optical depth, to avoid a very steep gradient at the transition to radiative transport.

Regner Trampedach
Mon Nov 4 18:19:07 MET 1996