is a Northern European country of about 5 million people, lots of beer, cows, windturbines and bikes. See the
the official web-site
, for more details.
1 krone (crown) = 100 ører
= US$ 0.1469 = Eur 0.1342 (June.16th, 2023.
DMI - Danish Meteorological Institute
The weather forecast.
Travelling by railroad and bus in Denmark is rather easy, affordable and convenient. The train leaving directly from the Copenhagen Airport
(CPH = Kastrup Lufthavn)
can take you to anywhere in Denmark. When you buy your ticket at the train station tell them your actual destination. In most cases you can buy a ticket that takes you all the way, with what-ever combo of trains/busses/ferries it takes - certainly inside the greater Copenhagen area.
Travel Planner
(click the English-button to the upper right). Just type-in origin, destination and departure or arrival time.
Map and Directions
But only in Danish: Adresse = Address, Postnr/by = City/ZIP, Søg = Search.
DSB - Danish National Railroads
But use the "Travel Planner" above for planning. From the "Travel Planner" you can also buy tickets on-line at DSB.
Foods you must sample
A danish lunch with pickled herring and akvavit and all the other fittings.
'smørrebrød' Dark ryebread, open-face sandwiches, piled high with all kinds of 'toppings'.
Danish breakfast with 'rundstykker' and (real) danish pastries.
Danish cheeses, and dairy in general - organic in particular...
an afternoon raid of a bakery (sample as many bakeries as possible) Notice that there are different sweet breads for breakfast and for afternoon coffee-time - ask the baker for advice.
Beer... etc.
Copenhagen (København)
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