Numerical Experiments: Schedule
Mon 20 Apr:
Setting up your account and downloading the Pencil Code
Setting up the Pencil Code
Tue 21 Apr:
High order numerical schemes and Pencil Code
Effective wavenumbers
[pdf, 1 page]
Advection tests
[pdf, 1 page]
Wed 22 Apr:
Nonlinear sound waves and Burgers shock
Nonlinear sound waves
Nonlinear Alfven waves
Burgers shock
Mon 27 Apr:
Brunt-Väisälä oscillations
Brunt-Väisälä oscillations
Tue 28 Apr:
Helical dynamos
Helical dynamos
[pdf, 1 page]
Wed 29 Apr:
Setting up new experiments
Numerical Experiments homepage
$Date: 2009/08/24 08:16:30 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.23 $