Turbulent pressure from 3D convection...


I have simulated convection near the surface of the sun, using the code by Åke Nordlund and Bob Stein and incoorporating realistic equation of state and opacities. The simulation is performed on a 100x100x82 point grid, and it has run for a couple of solar hours, to allow it to relax.
The turbulent pressure contributes tex2html_wrap_inline85 to the vertical momentum balance. Assuming that the density fluctuations are small, most of the behavoir of the turbulent pressure can be derived from looking at tex2html_wrap_inline87 .
A normal 1D stellar model don't give any information on velocity fields and density fluctuations except a density which can be interpreted as tex2html_wrap_inline89 and a convective velocity which might be something like tex2html_wrap_inline91 , the horisontally averaged vertical speed. This is just a sensible suggestion for a correspondance between 3D and 1D models and there might be better choises.
Assuming no density fluctuations, tex2html_wrap_inline93 so that the problem now is reduced to finding a relation between tex2html_wrap_inline91 and tex2html_wrap_inline97 .

Figure 1: This figure depicts the distribution of vertical velocities as a function of depth measured in mega-meters. The x-axis is the velocity in km/s and the z-axis shows the fraction of the plasma moving with that velocity at any given depth. z=0.0 marks the height where tex2html_wrap_inline77 and positive depths are inward, as positive velocities are inward. This figure is a sum of 12 timesteps covering 6 minutes, and it is quite representative for the behaviour, although it changes somewhat with time. It is certainly not a pathological case.

Figure 2: The upper solid curve shows the ratio between a mean of squared velocities and a square of mean speeds. In MLT this ratio is not only assumed constant, but is also set to unity. The lower solid curve, depicts the correlation between the velocity field and the density fluctuations. Below z=.3 Mm this correlation is slightly larger than unity as large densities are associated with cool downdrafts moving at greater speeds than the warmer upwelling plasma. The dashed curve is the ratio between the actual tex2html_wrap_inline81 and the 1D version, using tex2html_wrap_inline111

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Last updated [an error occurred while processing this directive] by: trampedach@pa.msu.edu.