Resolution effects on hydrodynamical...


I have studied the effects of varying the resolution of the hydrodynamical simulations of convection (using the hydrocode by Åke Nordlund and Robert F. Stein) by comparing the simulations listed in Tab. 1. In particular, this is an attempt to make a rigorous comparison in order to disentangle the effects of some of the many differences between the many simulations we now have at our disposal.

Table:   Parameters for the simulations.

The brackets tex2html_wrap_inline581 denote the maximum of the content, interpolated to a very fine grid, in order to resolve even very sharp peaks on a coarse grid. Column 7 of Tab. 1 is the maximum of the pressure ratio from column 6, corrected for the differences in tex2html_wrap_inline513 and tex2html_wrap_inline515 according to the expression


found from fitting the pressure ratios from my 7 simulations with Gustafsson composition and tex2html_wrap_inline587 resolution, to tex2html_wrap_inline589 . sol100 is used as the reference point for the solar simulations and Pro50 for the Procyon simulations.

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