Effects of distribution of the z-points

Resolution effects on hydrodynamical...

Effects of distribution of the z-points


The comparison in this section, is between Pro50z and Pro50 from Tab. 1, with Pro50z having a z-scale similar to sol32 and Pro50 having a z-scale similar to sol100 as depicted in Fig. 1.

Figure 4: The turbulent- to total pressure ratio. Pink curves are for Pro50z and black curves for Pro50 with the optimized z-scale. I show both the total horizontal average (solid) as well as the average in the upflow (dashed) and the downflow (dotted).

From Fig. 4 we see that turbulent- to total pressure ratio actually decreases with better resolution in the photosphere -- rather counterintuitive. If we correct for the differences in tex2html_wrap_inline513 the difference decreases somewhat, to 1% (cf. Tab. 1).

Figure 5: The superadiabatic gradient tex2html_wrap_inline529 . Pink curves are for Pro50z and black curves for Pro50 with the optimized z-scale. I show both the total horizontal average (solid) as well as the average in the upflow (dashed) and the downflow (dotted).

This decrease of tex2html_wrap_inline661 can be explained by looking at the superadiabatic gradient in Fig. 5, which shows that tex2html_wrap_inline529 increase with vertical resolution. The very sharp temperature gradient, in particular in the upflow, needs a very dense vertical grid, in order to get resolved, whereas the velocity field has less sharp features (cf. Figs. 6 and 7) and is therefore less demanding with respect to vertical resolution. The introduction of the temperature optimized z-grid, is also accompanied by an optimized and differentiable grid for the radiative transfer, which might help in steepening the temperature gradient.

Figure 6: The vertical RMS velocity tex2html_wrap_inline533 . Pink curves are for Pro50z and black curves for Pro50 with the optimized z-scale. I show both the total horizontal average (solid) as well as the average in the upflow (dashed) and the downflow (dotted).

The larger tex2html_wrap_inline529 means that the convective transport of energy gets more efficient, and therefore that the same flux can be achieved with lower velocities, which is clearly reflected in the vertical velocities in Fig. 6.

The horizontal velocities also decrease as the vertical velocities decrease because they just serve to maintain the density gradient by deflecting matter from the upflow sideways into the downflows (overturning).

Figure 7: The horizontal RMS velocity tex2html_wrap_inline537 . Pink curves are for Pro50z and black curves for Pro50 with the optimized z-scale. I show both the total horizontal average (solid) as well as the average in the upflow (dashed) and the downflow (dotted).

The conclusion of this Section must be that the transport properties of the simulation changes with the distribution of vertical grid-points, because the sharp temperature gradient in the photosphere needs a good resolution. This is also reflected in the decrease in tex2html_wrap_inline513 as the resolution in the photosphere increase. This decrease is too small though, to account for the decrease in velocities, which must still be ascribed to the increased efficiency of the convection, as discussed above.

We also see from Figs. 4-7 that the lower resolution in the deeper parts of Pro50 as compared to Pro50z, does not affect the structure significantly in this region, indicating that this redistribution of grid-points is closer to optimal.

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