Horizontal resolution

Resolution effects on hydrodynamical...

Horizontal resolution


In this section I present the effect of doubling the horizontal resolution, going from sol50 to sol100.

From Fig. 8 we see that the turbulent pressure increase appreciable with increasing horizontal resolution, and the increase amounts to 1.6% when correcting for the 20K difference in tex2html_wrap_inline513 . We also notice that most of this increase occurs in the downflows, which because of their intermittency and turbulent structures are much more sensitive to the horizontal resolution than are the fairly wellordered upflows.

Figure 8: The turbulent- to total pressure ratio. Pink curves are for sol50 and black curves for sol100. I show both the total horizontal average (solid) as well as the average in the upflow (dashed) and the downflow (dotted).

The upflow is probably mainly affected by conservation constraints.

The superadiabatic gradient displayed in Fig. 9 increases in the downflow and decrease in the upflow leading to a narrower range of gradients and a slight decrease in the overall gradient. As tex2html_wrap_inline529 in the downflow peaks 126km below the tex2html_wrap_inline529 -peak in the upflow, the former is likely to be smeared out in sol50 because of the small scale of the downflow structures. With higher resolution, higher temperature contrasts can be sustained, allowing for a larger gradient in the downflow.

Figure 9: The superadiabatic gradient tex2html_wrap_inline529 . Pink curves are for sol50 and black curves for sol100. I show both the total horizontal average (solid) as well as the average in the upflow (dashed) and the downflow (dotted).

The broadening of the tex2html_wrap_inline529 -peak in the upflow, might be due to the more efficient enthalpy transport in the downdrafts, prompting for more flux in the upflow. This increase of flux in the upflow is supplied both by an increase in the filling factor, i.e. the fractional area of matter taking part in the upflow, as well as an increase in tex2html_wrap_inline529 in the upflow at the height of the peak in the downflow tex2html_wrap_inline529 . The change in tex2html_wrap_inline529 in the upflow is somewhat counteracted by an small and almost symmetrical (i.e. opposite) change in the vertical velocities in the upflow (cf. Fig. 10).

The downflow speed is increased by about 8% from the top of the convection zone and down to a depth of about 2Mm - more than twice as deep as the superadiabatic region. This increase in downdraft speed is probably necessary in order to maintain mass conservation, but also adds to the increase of flux in the downflow.

Figure 10: The vertical RMS velocity tex2html_wrap_inline533 . Pink curves are for sol50 and black curves for sol100. I show both the total horizontal average (solid) as well as the average in the upflow (dashed) and the downflow (dotted).

The horizontal velocities decrease though, which seems to violate mass conservation as the density stratification is hardly altered. The explanation lies in the fillingfactor. Near and just below the top of the convection zone, the fillingfactor is slightly larger for sun100, which means that a smaller amount of matter has to overturn to the downflow, hence the lower horizontal flow velocities.

Figure 11: The horizontal RMS velocity tex2html_wrap_inline537 . Pink curves are for sol50 and black curves for sol100. I show both the total horizontal average (solid) as well as the average in the upflow (dashed) and the downflow (dotted).

The rearranging of fillingfactors and velocities, also cause the kinetic energy flux to increase, whereas the total enthalpy flux is basically unchanged, causing a net decrease in total flux, hence the 20K decrease in tex2html_wrap_inline513 .

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Last updated [an error occurred while processing this directive] by: trampedach@pa.msu.edu.